Sunday, November 14, 2010

12: And we bid goodbye to TWC

4 group presentations this week wrapped up the last session of our TWC module and it proved to be yet another fruitful lesson!

Lucas's group covered Technology and Armageddon and the role playing manner of presentation was a plus point. It is interesting because it is always discussed that, given the amount of harm we're doing to Earth, how long can it survive and when is the end of the world?

Then our group gave our views on Diseases and Technology to combat it, to give hope to others and to spread the awareness. our solutions were centred around developing technological equipment to help people keep track of their health status /to detect any potential diseases which one may catch, but at the same time to create awareness so that they could help in the prevention of its spread.

the 3rd group focused on Technology and the Art. This is actually a very interesting topic as they group expounded on how technology like lighting and visuals help to piece together modern art pieces. On a side note, they presented tooo much content during their presentation and thus lost my attention midway.

Lastly, Prema's group web report was on Women and Technology, and this I especially liked. Their transition from one speaker to another using videos was smart and the content was sufficient. However, they went the extra mile to provide some other information/content that women would like such as online shopping. Not only did they cover on how technology has empowered women in their website, they also seeked to enhance the level of interest with the incorporation of online shop's website. This is actually very interesting.

On the whole, this session's presentation was enriching and a good conclusion to the entire TWC module. I'd give an 8/10! :)

Although this may mark the end of being formally educated about Technology and World Change, I believe that learning does not stop here. TWC has sparked my interest in exploring and I shall continue to keep abreast of the latest technologies and its impact on changing the world. :)

11: First Session of Group Project Presentation

This lesson saw 3 groups coming up to present on their final web report. Personally, I feel that it is interesting to present the website that each group has done, instead of coming up with a separate set of powerpoint slides like the usual standards of presentation.

It is always nerve-wrecking to be the first to start off something, but the group that touched on air transport did a pretty good job. What instantly captured my attention was the fact that the web report was a good simulation of the topic which they were responsible for because it looked exactly the view a captain would get from his cockpit. They mentioned about how air transport has changed the world and what they would look forward to. Here, the idea of developing flying cars in the future was really appealing, however it brings with it the concern that there'd be air traffic congestion and also the fact that the monitoring of air traffic proves to be much more difficult, as compared to on land.

After which the 2nd group focused on Clearing up Space as they were concerned that more and more space junk is accumulating. The information provided was consistent and systematic, highlighting the key components of space junk, how detrimental it is and the way to clear them up. However, it would be interesting for them to spice up their presentation with role playing or more videos because too much content said would lose the attention of their audiences.

Finally, the 3rd group presented on Technology in dealing with Land Constraints. Content-wise, it was good and the part of role playing and depicting the past+future managed to capture my attention.Another good point was that they were able to combine various concepts and knowledge from previous lessons (e.g ICT and Alternative energy) into their solutions for the future.

All in all, i'd give a 7.5/10 for this lesson!